Monday, November 5, 2012


9th Blog Assignment
I consider myself to be pro-choice, however, I once considered myself pro-life. That was before I was educated about what being pro-choice and pro-life really meant. I am pro-choice because abortions, however sad they may be, is a necessity. I don’t believe that the American government should enforce laws based on religion, namely the Christian religion. Considering a just fertilized egg as a human being can only be justified by the belief that we have souls. We don’t all believe that way and we shouldn’t be forced by law to follow others religious beliefs. What a woman and her doctor do should be the legal concern of no one but her and her licensed physician. The problem is that there should be some sort of boundaries. Partial birth abortion is one of the most disgusting, vial, and inhuman things I’ve ever heard of. I believe that after the first twelve weeks, roughly the first trimester, abortions for any other reason than to save the mothers life is wrong. To keep things like partial birth abortions from happening unless the mothers life is at risk we need to start educating young people about safe sex, how to avoid becoming pregnant or contracting an STD whenever they do decide to become sexually active. Humans will have sex when they want to regardless of how they were raised, so regardless of how people believe we all need to be educated and open about sex and sex education.  
If pro-lifers get their way then birth contraceptives will most likely become even harder to get or be outlawed all together. The combination of our societies lack of sex education plus the outlawing of birth contraceptives would bring about a vastly substantial increase in unwanted pregnancies. Abortions would no doubt be illegal if pro-lifers get their way so a substantial increase in unwanted pregnancies mixed with a lack of sex and abortion education plus safe abortions being illegal. . .would lead to a colossal increase in abused children, abandoned children, families who need financial help from the government, children in our horrid foster homes, and botched abortions that will lead to sickness and death in woman.
I am pro-choice because my mother didn’t talk to me about sex, if my boyfriend hadn’t of suggested birth control, who knows, I could have ended up pregnant like my best friend. I am pro-choice because birth control cleared up my acne, reduced my menstrual symptoms, and kept me from getting pregnant before I was ready. I am pro-choice because my mother wouldn’t have had me or my little sister without medical help. Because if my precious little sister was raped and impregnated then I’ll be damned if anyone try to keep her from aborting her rapists seed. I am pro-choice because abortion isn’t so cut and dry as to outlaw it completely as some sort of solution. Humans deserve rights to freedom of choice and that means that women deserve the right to choose what they will and won’t do with their bodies. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that outlawing abortions would only make living conditions for unwanted children and people who can have children vastly worse. Many anti-choicers don't seem to consider what might happen to a child that a parent does not want and whom no one wants to adopt, especially if that child is born disabled or with a genetic condition which requires special care. I also once considered myself to be "pro-life," and I still believe some limits should be placed on abortions, but nothing would be solved by banning the procedure altogether.
