Monday, November 12, 2012


10th Blog Assignment
Second-shifting oppresses women. It causes women to constantly be busy, never having time for themselves. It keeps women in traditional gender roles while adding on even more stress from their career. It allows men to keep doing less than women do and to believe that women can and should handle any and everything that is asked of them. This keeps women tired, stressed, compliant, and probably depressed and unfulfilled. 
Women have always been taught to be compliant, nurturing, subservient, and perfect. Women have always been expected to be the perfect 24/7 house cleaner, babysitter, personal chef, chauffeur, accountant, personal shopper, organizer, event planner, subservient sex toy for their husband, and so much more, and she is expected to make it all look easy and be perfectly beautiful and manicured and serene at all times. Now women are not only expected to do ALL OF THAT, but also to be successful career women. This behavior is reinforced by women who look down upon “stay-at-home-moms,”, men who refuse to take on extra responsibilities along side their wives, and women who let their husbands get away with that. 
Women are working harder than ever and men are working exactly the same as they always have and women are letting them do it!! Men’s disrespect for women and women’s low self-worth have not changed with the waves of feminism, and in some ways they have only grown worse. Women are expected by men and other women, media, etc. to do more and more and more than our mothers, our mother’s mothers, and so on. It is a vicious cycle that women can’t seem pull themselves out of. Women do more, men do less, and media promotes it. . .will it ever end?

1 comment:

  1. I agree and disagree with some of the points you made in your blog. I totally agree that second shifting oppresses women. Also that it keeps us in our patriarchal society where gender roles are heavily defined. The only thing I disagree with is the part where men have gotten worse. I give them some credit. As a woman in today's society there are things I let slide simply because I do not if certain issues are worth the fight. I think that even through the years we are taught to live a certain way. It all comes down to the ultimate choice of do we continue what we have been taught? It is ever going cycle. Quoting your last statement "Women do more, men do less, and media promotes it.. will it ever end?"
